If you find you are in need of information about whether you can continue to query - or if you need to hold off to conserve quotas - you can call on our Stats Endpoint.
Understanding your current API usage is helpful, not only for billing purposes, but also within your application. For example, if you are nearing or have exceeded your usage limits for our Enrich API, you may want your application to behave differently, possibly limiting or preventing further requests until you have upgraded your plan to avoid overages. The Account Stats API will give you the insights needed to make these sorts of decisions by providing usage information for the current billing period.
To get current usage, post a request to the Account Stats API. If you are interested in stats for particular APIs only, you can provide those in the stats
property of the request post body.
Example Code:
curl -X POST https://api.fullcontact.com/v3/stats.get \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {Your API Key}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"stats":["person","company"]}'